Doing Good
‐ to benefit someone or something
At Life Income ManagementTM we understand the importance of the commitment endowments and foundations have made to benefit others. We support this commitment by providing services that focus on assisting endowments and foundations with investment and procedural solutions that will enable you to meet your faithful pledge of “doing good.”
Our COMMITMENT ‐ We act as a fiduciary; this places our clients’ interest first, making certain that our recommended solutions address the specific, identified needs and are focused on enhancing financial resources, both in regards to operational and investment management practices.
Our BASICS ‐ For those just getting started; we will serve to establish the basic components that are typical to the success of an endowment or foundation. For those of you who may be reviewing your endowment or foundation; we apply the same tools to evaluate how we may assist in improving your desired results. Here are our five primary areas of focus that are essential for creating a successful endowment or foundation:
§ | Usage Policy ‐ Purpose of endowment or foundation funds |
§ | Funding Policy ‐ Public or Private donations |
§ | Investment Policy ‐ Types of investments allowed and at what level of risk |
§ | Withdrawal Policy ‐ Amount allowed, required or able to distribute annually |
§ | Spending Policy ‐ Managing internal cost |
Our SERVICE ‐ Once your purpose has been defined and funding is in place, the greatest risk to long-term success of an endowment or foundation is in the day-to-day management of operations and investments. These risks can include; lack of maintaining defining rules, excessive spending, lack of adherence to investment risk as defined in the Investment Policy Statement (IPS), excessive fees and insufficient investment returns. At Life Income ManagementTM our services go beyond the basics, we are available to provide guidance in the following three areas;
Operations of entity:
§ | Advise on defining responsibilities |
§ | Advise on cost-management |
Investments of entity:
§ | Apply a “risk-first” methodology so risk is clearly defined and not just implied |
§ | Apply a disciplined, rules-based approach to building and monitoring professionally managed portfolios |
Support for entity:
§ | Access to online tools for monitoring and managing account information |
§ | Access to monthly, quarterly and annual performance reporting |
§ | Support fund raising efforts to increase contributions if requested |
§ | Access to a team of qualified, designated specialists dedicated to your “doing good” |
For additional information or to submit a request-for-proposal please contact;